How To Recognize Your Inner Venusian

March 15, 2021 0 Comments

How to Recognize Your Inner Venusian


JoJo Liberati

The rotation of Venus about its axis is the slowest of all the planets at 244 days, the Earth is 24 hours. Venus is twice as close to the Sun as Mars, it is about the same size as Earth. Venus is constantly enveloped with thick sulfuric clouds and has a very dense and sultry atmosphere. The surface temperature of Venus is close to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, and just like Mars and Earth, Venus is believed to have active volcanoes.

Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and appears as both the evening star and the morning star. The hidden planet represents refinement of the senses, mystical love, arts, earthly relationships, and desire, esoterically. The character of both the goddess Venus and the planet is passive, magnetic, receptive, feminine, relating, kind, gentle, and enjoys the company of others. The letter C is the symbol for Venus, which represents spirit over matter and is a commonly used symbol for the female gender.


There are two astrological signs that are associated with Venus; Taurus and Libra. Taurus represents the sensual part of Venus while Libra represents the relating and connecting with people and subjects. In earthly Taurus, the attracting and beautifying power of Venus is displayed more in the way of money and possessions. In Libra the trend is more towards art and harmony in everything. While Venus is the undisputed exoteric ruler of Taurus, The alchemists created god of the forge Vulcan, as the esoteric ruler. The Taurus enlightened with Vulcan, sees through the cover of matter into the energetic principle that underlies, interpenetrates, and sustains all manifestation.

Venus is the Roman Great Goddess (Aphrodite to the Greeks), and both Greeks and Romans focused on her sexual aspect. Roman temples to Venus were schools where one was instructed in sexual technique taught by harlot priestesses known as Venerii. Their techniques were meant to teach one in spiritual grace called venia through exercises similar to Eastern Tantrism. The romantic city of Venice in Italy was named for the goddess. The word veneration , literally means to pay homage to the Goddess Venus.

In mythology, Venus was mother to Cupid, and was married to the god of alchemy and metals, Vulcan despite her happy marriage couldn t resist the attraction of Mars, the god of war, and they ended up having many romantic trysts. In her Nature Goddess aspect, Venus is also associated with the animals of the forest and was known as The Lady of The Animals. Adonis the Horned God who can appear as the hunter and the sacrificial stag he hunts, fell in love with Venus when he saw her naked and bathing in a forest stream. The word venison actually means son or follower of Venus. In summary, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, art, balance, peace, harmony, and the acceptance of natural law.

JoJo Liberati is a

professional astrologer

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birth charts

and other astrological services via her website

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